where Terrai Satin Prass had purchased land after the War with the majority of the diamond medals he had won after the affair. The medals had been pried from the foreheads of skybeasts and shaped with gentle washes of acid, and the stuff in general was of no real use except to proffer when bragging; but he kept one still, in honor of the wife he'd lost, and this was the one that hung in the Centra, beneath the mounting of her left horn.

Terrai was the second-largest ungu landholder in Low Anthem, and its territory spanned from the highest acres of Gypspar to the southeast wall that bordered Galenaver. Its Centra was on one of the most elevated points of Gypspar, and overlooked the rest of the Grade, as well as the semi-circle of other establishments below. The land was partitioned into districts: one that housed, trained, and cared for separated grades of a'ehra; one to process the yield, cleaning, dying, and reworking; and one for general residence.

One side of their lands faced the Via, and for this reason it was some of the most valuable land in all of Low. It cut the runners and the transporters out, and especially for a producer of raw materials and cloths as Terrai, this was very advantageous.
