I asked Win about how I may determine the time at night and she seemed confused. She told me that there are no hours at night. It seems that the daylight hours are maximized at approximately 12, and the night itself is one long hour, the 13th.

She asked me what might have given me the idea that the night would be counted. Though it makes sense that my brain would assume consistency for the hours, and assume therefore that the night has hours just as the day does, I asked her, if it wasn't possible that the nights have hours at all. Perhaps it was my dazed memory supplying this information for me.

She replied that in Anthem Low there is always darkness, and its residents count throughout all of it. This is common knowledge; she suggested that I had confused Anthem High and Anthem Low, and asked me if there is anything more I am concerned about. I asked her further about Anthem Low, which I cannot seem to recall, and she told me that my injury had occurred when I had attempted for some reason to visit Low. I might have been trying to drink, she said. It seems many visit Low to inebriate themselves, though the place is dangerous.

My head began to ache, and when I expressed this Win seemed very concerned; she left to obtain tea, then apologized and said that she had to leave, but she would be back soon. I think I will frame more questions about Low for that time.

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